Home Why I started writting?

Why I started writting?


As a volunteer, I worked on the project the details of which I cannot reveal. I created GUI for the robotic arm with NodeRED and then I found out that the same entity that managed this project is looking for people for another project of this type. I really enjoyed this job so I decided to submit my resume. My mentor on behalf of this Entity asked me “Filip, have you got any publications i.e scientific articles?” I said “No, my inventions just do their job. Of course, the results of my experiments are backed with Computer Science knowledge, but an average-brained person can figure it out. What’s the point of explaining basic stuff in form of a scientific article?”

A waste of creativity

I returned home the same day, then I wrote a 2-pages long email to my friend in which I explained some op-amp-based linear power supply’s principles of operation. Then I realized my creative effort is largely futile - only one person will gain knowledge from my text. If my text was refined, eliminated chaos, and formatted correctly, my writing could clarify a lot for a much wider audience. Maybe the form of a scientific article doesn’t suit me, but why not start writing a blog?

Technical considerations

I don’t like WordPress because community plugins from untrusted sources can become a threat to cybersecurity. Besides, WordPress is pretty slow compared to static websites or those written with any modern framework i.e. React. My classmate created her blog with Jekyll so I decides to give it a shot. For now, it brings everything I need. I’m a dedicated Obsidian user, so I learned Markup along the way. Formatting text with this language became natural for me, and Jekyll relies upon Markup heavily. Also, a Jekyll-based blog can be hosted on GitHub pages without any burden, thus I can create my blog for free. I don’t want to spend too much money on an experiment and I don’t have to.

My path

I have no pressure to write for the sake of writing, so paradoxically thanks to this I can create content of better quality, without unnecessary stuff. I decided to get on the blogging path, stop writing for a drawer or for individuals, and start posting for the good of the community instead. I want others to benefit from my ideas. I am in favor of sharing knowledge without limiting the rights to it through patents.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.


13.8V 15A Linear Power Supply From An Old UPS